Monday 25 May 2015

Types of putters and their characteristics

Putting is one of the most complicated steps in golf for many. Every professional player has at least once said that he played the game fine but the putter wasn’t functioning right or the putter was cold. Well, against all odds, putting does not have to be that complicated. The way to playing successfully is identifying the best putters suited specifically for you. The style of the strokes you take will heavily determine the type of putter you choose and the amount of practise you put into the game will determine the quality of your strokes!

So what is the best putter? Putters are mainly divided into two types: head balanced putters and toe balanced putters. Before you discard this piece of information calling it too technical, simply hold it in your hand loosely and see its head. If it face is facing the sky it id face balanced and if the toe faces the ground, it is toe balanced.
If you are still confused, ask professional only at

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Three common putting mistakes to avoid

Gold is an activity enjoyed by many. Some play it for recreational purposes while others play professionally. It is often observed that people learn putting on their own with some friendly help and the internet. While these are enough to practise your shots and learn, sometimes could also wind you up with major putting mistakes. Here are a few common putting mistakes laid down by the best putters on the market.

  • All you need to understand is that putting comes with practise. It is not about the clubs, the greens, the weather but simply about how experienced you are at putting. The most common mistake that putters make is focusing too much on the shot. A good shot is a result of a relaxed body and a focused mind.
  • Not understanding the functions of the various tools available to you such as hand grips, putters, etc. The key is to identify your style and practise with the putters best suited for you.
  • And lastly, relying too much on the magical putters, hand grips instead of practising. No club or greens can save you unless you perfect the art of putting which will only come with practise. 

Visit for more information on different putters and their functionality.